Thursday, December 15, 2011

Microsoft Visual Studios 2008 - how to save?

I'm working on creating an ATM account using Microsoft VS 2008, that includes a login number, an "Amount" label, "Balance" label, and buttons: Deposit, Withdraw, and Logout. I am having a hard time understanding how I can logout of the account number while saving the balance, so when one logs back in, the balance remains. I am using "Getting Started with Microsoft VS 2008" by Michael Halvorson as a reference, but am missing just one important step.

Is anyone able to point me in the right direction as to how I can figure this out?|||In a real wold ATM, the account balance would be saved in a database (along with login id).

Not sure how this book is handling saving the data, but other options would be: save to a file of some sort, or save to memory(it would all go away when you exit the program).

But in any case, someone logging in or out doesn't change the data that is stored about their account. Logging out only means that you don't accept any more input from the user until they log in again. The data doesn't just disappear because you log out.

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