Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mysterious deposit into Wells Fargo account?

Last night, I deposited money into my account. Checked the ATM and online statements afterwords and the deposit went through fine. Today, I get a medical bill so I log into my bank account to check how much I can handle. To my surprise, there is an extra $300 in my checking account. There is no deposit or addition to my account listed. At the same time, I notice that a $400 charge for textbooks has disappeared from my history that was charged yesterday. I made sure to check my account after that purchase and the $400 was taken from my account. Only now, there is no mention of the purchase on my account.

So now I'm sitting here with an extra $300 in my account with no idea where it came from. Has this happened to anyone? Is it a bank error? Should I expect that money to be taken back? Should I go withdraw as much as I can before they do? Or should I just shut up and enjoy my random luck?|||Notify the bank of your concern. Do not think for one moment that if there was a mistake in your favor that it won't be found out. This is not Monopoly, this is real life.|||If you purchased the books with a debit card what you saw was the authorization "Pending" but not the actual charge hitting your account. That can happen a few days later if the merchant processes debit cards as ACH debits.

Do NOT use the 'additional' money. It likely will get posted in a few days.

You should be calculating a balance in your checking account. The on-line balance at your bank does not reflect the true 'book' balance of your account. Checks you have written, unposted debits, checks in transit, etc. can cause a difference.|||if you take the money out and its a mistake on the bank's part, they will take the money out of the account and overdraft you, which would be your fault and the bank will not refund any fees caused by you taking money that is not rightfully yours. If you can concerned, call customer service.|||The bank's computer system probably went down, and they restored the accounts from back ups. They just haven't gotten the previous days transactions re-posted yet.

You really should call the bank and get the matter straightened if the account is still wrong in a day or so. To just keep the money is dishonest and the same thing as stealing the money.|||Sometimes pending items are not displayed, but it is probably still there. I would definitely check with your bank. If they don't have it, check with the merchant, because sometimes a transaction can be voided by mistake. But I wouldn't let it go, it may catch up with you when you're not expecting it, and you could end up having overdraft fees, etc. It's not worth it. Sorry.|||Somewhere in the fine print of your accounts terms and disclosures will say something regarding banking errors. In short, yes you will be still be responsible for any incorrectly deposited forms, so just go ahead and inform the bank of the error immediately.

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